SK-ACP-NE Advanced Control Panel
NO Enclosure Panel
The SK-ACP Advanced Control Panel is a highly sophisticated, yet simple to use, two-door access control unit. The unit accepts readers that have a Wiegand output with almost any card technology.
Each of the two doors controlled by the unit is completely
independent of the other and is configured, programmed and
viewed separately. Each door has a separate node address.
Each door has two programmable inputs which may be
programmed to function as a door open, remote inactive,
door monitor, tamper, arming circuit, door unlock, or user
defined input.
Each door has two outputs. One output is the relay that
activates the door-operating device. The other output is
programmable to activate under one of many possible
alarm conditions, time zone or card violations.
As a stand alone, the unit may be programmed using a
PC either locally or via a modem over standard phone lines. Transaction information is stored by the unit and
may be downloaded to a PC or printer.
The SK-ACP includes an on-board connector for either the
SK-LAN-MOD network adapter module, or the SK-WLS-MOD
wireless LAN module (802.11 b/g).
- Supports Two Wiegand Output Card Readers
- 65,000 Card Capacity
- 4,800 Date and Time Stamped Stored Events
- 15 Programmable Time Zones with Weekly Schedule Plus 32 Holidays
- Modem Capability for Remote Locations
- TCP/IP Capability for LAN Connection
- UL294, FCC and CE Regulatory Approvals